All calculators can calculate but Accurate Calculator accurately calculates like no one else.
We have removed inaccuracy from all the 3 stages of calculation i.e.
1. Input 2. Processing 3. Output.
Complexity confuses but simplicity solves.
Our calculator has a simple and clean design which helps make calculations easier.
Accurate from start to end. Inaccuracy is completely eliminated from all possible stages.
Simple app design with no unnecessary buttons or complexities.
Many useful calculators packed in one app.
No unnecessary permission required and no data collection.
Today, almost all calculators are competing in design. But calculators need not only be good looking. The single most important thing in calculators is accuracy. We believe accuracy isn’t an option, it’s a necessity, and that it why we compromise on trends to maintain accuracy.
One small inaccuracy in calculation can you cost time, money and trust. Often big problems start with small inaccuracies.
Inaccuracy is not a small thing, and it needs to be eliminated. Accurate Calcualtor is an initiative to remove inaccuracy from calculations and ultimately from this world. Inaccuracy is a major problem and we are solving it.
We are raising the bar of accuracy standard of technology products. We believe that our work positively impacts people’s lives across the world.
Click to know more about Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam project:
Drop an email to <at> gmail-dot-com, if you have any questions or suggestions. We are open to it.
We would love it if you help us be better at our work.